Antonio di Stefano Apps 1.0 – все самое интересное из мирамобильных технологий в одном приложении.На портале собраны самые интересные и свежие новостииз мира технологий, обзоры крутых приложений, советы поиспользованию ваших любимых гаджетов и многое другое. Теперь выможете получить доступ к этой информации и с помощьюприложения!Функционал:- Постоянный доступ к самым свежим новостям из мира мобильныхтехнологий- Возможность поделиться новостью в Facebook и Twitter- Push – уведомления- Возможность добавления виджета- Поддержка всех популярных моделей смартфонов и планшетовОставайтесь в курсе самых интересных новостей с!В случае возникновения вопросов и пожеланий, пожалуйста,напишите нам на [email protected] - the mostinteresting from the world of mobile technologies in a singleapplication.The portal collected the most interesting and thelatest news from the world of technology, reviews coolest apps,tips of your favorite gadgets and more. Now you can get access tothis information and using the application!Functionality:- Permanent access to the latest news from the world of mobiletechnology- The ability to share the news to Facebook and Twitter- Push - notification- Ability to add a widget- Support for all popular smartphones and tabletsStay up to date with the most interesting news from!If you have questions and suggestions, please email us [email protected].
Who Viewed My Instagram 3.6.2
Do you know that your insta account is beingvisited every day by various people? They may be your secretadmirers, ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends. They view your photos,but never follow you to keep it all in secret. Unfortunately, youcannot see them on Instagram. But if you wish to, download and usethis app! It will show you the spies who viewed your Instagramprofile, fans and admirers that care about your life. The onlything you should do is to log in with your Instagram and wait forthe new visitors. Try it now for absolutely free to find out whostalks you on Instagram.Features:- Find out who visited your Instagram profile- Automatic update- Simple and user-friendly interface- Universal app for smartphones and tablets
InstaBot Pro My Followers 1.8.0
First app in Google Play that willautomatiсally promote your business-account. You won't have tospend your precious time. All you need to do is to run theappService will like Instagram posts of users that might become yourpotential clients, attracting them to your account.And what’s really good – you don’t risk! Since the app doesn’t usebots or other fraudulent ways of promotion, your risk to lose youraccount is minimal.You can also use additional features:- Select users of certain account- Add certain accounts to the black list, in order not to liketheir posts.- See likes and followers statistics- See the best upload time- See the most popular hashtagsService is available for subscribers only. During first week youcan use it for absolutely free. In case you don’t like the results,you can cancel your subscription without losing your money.Secure, simple and effective – promote your Instagram account inthe right way.
Best Instagram Cleaner Tool 1.6.0
It is sad, but Instagram doesn’t allow us todelete several photos at once or unfollow several users with just atap. But there are cases when you really need to bulk unfollow orbulk delete your posts. So there is a solution – IG Cleaner. Usingit you’ll be able to select users or photos you don’t need anymoreand remove them with just one tap. In order to prevent removing bymistake, app provides you with a double verification.Besides, you can see who unfollowed you recently, who is your ghostfollower, what following is mutual and much more.Features:- Removing several or all photos at once- Unfollow several or all users at once- Instagram analytics- Log in easily with Instagram- User-friendly InterfaceDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated with Instagram.